Premium soft contact lenses. Luxurious extended-wear comfort. AT A GLANCE Monthly replacement Lenses stay moist and comfortable Naturally wettable so you're less likely to need additional wetting drops Up to 6 Nights/7 Days of Continuous Wear You need your nearsighted or farsighted vision corrected. You also demand contacts with comfort that lasts all day—starting with your first morning c ...

Biofinity® Toric
Get the best of both worlds: Superior vision and a more comfortable lens-wearing experience. AT A GLANCE Monthly replacement Designed for stability, clarity and comfort Natural wettability for incredible, long-lasting comfort and clarity Highly breathable for clear, white, and healthier eyes Extended range of lenses available to correct higher degrees of astigmatism along with nearsightedness o ...

Clariti™ 1-day Toric
Correct your astigmatism the healthier way with silicone hydrogel, daily disposable lenses. AT A GLANCE Ease and convenience Whiter, brighter eyes Vision correction for astigmatism Amazing affordability Moisture means comfort UV protection** Oh, happy day. Winner of the Contact Lens Product of the Year at the 2012 Optician Awards, clariti® 1 day toric contact lenses let you enjoy all the con ...

Clariti™ 1-day (sphere)
The healthier way to whiter, brighter eyes for your nearsighted or farsighted vision. AT A GLANCE Convenient daily replacement schedule The healthy advantages of silicone hydrogel lenses Nearsighted and farsighted vision correction Supports excellent all-day comfort UVA and UVB protection* The Convenience of Daily Disposables, the Health of Silicone Hydrogel If the convenience of daily ...