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Home » What's New » Ep 35 – Is Nutrition the Culprit? With Dr. Julie Poteet

Ep 35 – Is Nutrition the Culprit? With Dr. Julie Poteet

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This is Episode #35 and you’ll hear Host Dr. Meenal Agarwal and guest Dr. Julie Poteet discuss nutrition. Watch the video episode on YouTube and listen to the audio episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re enjoying the show!

Uncover Your Eyes with Dr. Meenal Episode #35: Is Nutrition the Culprit? With Dr. Julie Poteet

Did you know your nutrition can impact your risk of disease? Dr. Julie Poteet is a big believer of this - and has written extensively on the topic. Hear how nutrition affects our gut and our eyes, why we should talk about nutrition more as healthcare providers, how to eat the rainbow, her recommended foods that help with inflammation, and how we as parents can help our children eat healthier. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:

  • How the gut microbiome interacts with the brain
  • Advice for parents of snackers
  • How important is nutrition in ocular health?
  • What preventative care can look like at home
  • When nutrition impacts optometry patients
  • I.S.S. principle for nutrition

Subscribe to Uncover Your Eyes on your favorite podcast platform and YouTube, and learn more about Dr. Meenal on Instagram @Dr.MeenalAgarwal.

Show Notes

  • Is Nutrition the Culprit? With Dr. Julie Poteet
    • [0:22] Introducing Julie Poteet
    • [1:48] Via nutrition, what does it mean to “repair the roof before it starts raining”?
    • [2:41] Where does your passion for nutrition arise?
    • [5:33] When did people start connecting gut health to other disorders?
    • [7:27] The evolution of public acceptance that gut microbiome interacts with the brain
    • [9:49] What is diversity in nutrition?
    • [12:11] Are there foods that healthcare providers should educate their patients on?
    • [18:16] Do you feel nutrition is the cause of all our health problems?
    • [21:18] Why don’t all healthcare providers talk about nutrition?
    • [23:30] What one or two foods can help patients with inflammation?
    • [24:48] What advice for parents or children about day-to-day food changes?
    • [26:07] Do you remember a time that nutrition impacted a patient?
    • Connect with Julie Poteet and check out her website
    • [30:13] Subscribe to Uncover Your Eyes on your favorite podcast platform and YouTube, and learn more about Dr. Meenal on Instagram @Dr.MeenalAgarwal
    • Theme Song: “Upbeat Motivational Pop Rock” by Alexey Anisimov
